Livingston County Benefits

Health Care
Bard Optical, Normal –
$48 eye exams and save 25% on frames at the Normal location.
Bloomington-Normal Audiology, Pontiac Office
FREE Hearing Screenings / FREE Impressions for Custom Earplugs. Phone 309-662-8346 or 888-442-4545.
Vision Source Family Eye Care, Pontiac
Save 10% on your purchase of a complete pair of glasses with Non-Glare lenses and receive a courtesy 2nd year scratch protection warranty at no charge.
Watson Vision Center, Pontiac
$10 off eye exam and 10% off complete set of eye wear (includes lenses & frames).
*These are DISCOUNTS ONLY – NOT INSURANCE. These programs are not insurance
policies and do not provide insurance coverage. Available only at participating pharmacies & locations.
Fastenal Company, Pontiac
15% discount on purchases.
“Lilli’s”, Pontiac
10% discount on one item (not valid with any other special or discount).
Schwartz Auto Detailing
10% off basic package purchase on any vehicle, farm equipment, etc…. within 40 miles of Pontiac.
Dairy Queen of Pontiac & Dwight
10% discount on all sizes ice cream cakes and bulk novelty items (10 pkg. Dilly Bars or DQ sandwiches and the 5 pkg. Buster Bars)
Dwight Pizza
10% discount on total purchase (not valid with any other special)
Joe’s Station House Pizza, Pontiac
10% discount on total order (not valid with any other discount or special)
McDonald’s of Pontiac and Dwight
Free Pie with the purchase of Extra Value Meal
Monical’s Pizza of Pontiac & Fairbury
10% discount on total purchase (not valid with any other special or discount)
Slammer’s Grill & Victory Lanes, Dwight
10% discount on lunch or dinner at Slammer’s Grill, & 10% off bowling at Victory Lanes (excluding Super Saver Package)
Subway of Pontiac
10% discount on purchase
Additional Benefits
IAA Credit Union
Home and auto loans available with very competitive rates offered. Banking apps for Iphone and Android or use mobile browser.
VISA card
NO APPLICATION OR ANNUAL FEE. Portion of purchases will go to IAA Foundation for AITC.
Notary Service – FREE
Plat Books
Discount price $32, non-members $35